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@AltUSNPS   The Alt-US National Park Service

DONATE-  Donations are one of the easiest ways to contribute to your National Parks.  You can contribute money to the National Park Foundation directly through their site.  Donating can also be done to individual parks or programs, as well as donating supplies and other resources to Park Services and Rangers.  One of the best donations that can made is a donation of your time and effort.  Examine our other action points to see how to utilize your time and effort to support our parks,

VOLUNTEER-  Volunteering is another great way to help the National  Parks.  It may be helping maintain buildings, building trails, or becoming a Volunteer Ambassador.  There are also summer job programs for students, and other ways to use your talents and knowledge to benefit the Parks.  More information is available here for getting involved and volunteering directly with the National Park Service.

GET SCIENTIFIC-  If you are a scientist, you know the important research needed in every aspect of the fight against environmental changes.  The NPS can utilize your skills in one of its Research Learning Centers for a variety of needs within the Park Service.  Ecology, wildlife, erosion, climate change, and many other areas are in constant need of research.